What’s the process for unionizing?

  1. OUTREACH: Our Organizing Committee will talk to faculty in every department and program to assess support for the union and answer questions. 

  2. CARD DRIVE: When we reach at least 30% faculty support, we will ask FIPs to sign cards authorizing the union.

  3. RECOGNITION OR FILING FOR ELECTION: Once a majority of FIP faculty have signed union authorization cards, we can ask Wellesley to voluntarily recognize our union. If they refuse, we will try to reach an election agreement with Wellesley or we will go to hearings with the NLRB if Wellesley refuses to reach an agreement

  4. ELECTION AND CERTIFICATION: Once an election agreement is reached or hearings have concluded, we will hold a vote on unionization administered through the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). We need a simple majority (50% +1) to certify our union. After certification, Wellesley will be obligated to negotiate.

  5. BARGAINING COMMITTEE:  When our union is certified, we will elect representatives from our union to a Bargaining Committee that will work with members to draft articles for negotiation. We will then vote to ratify these goals. 

  6. CONTRACT NEGOTIATION: With the support and resources from the UAW, the Bargaining Committee will negotiate with Wellesley to reach a collective bargaining agreement. Our membership will vote on the agreement before it becomes our official contract.